Why Rohingya Has Never Been Granted Citizenship ?

Rohingyas, Burmese Muslim minority group, have been living with the fear of violence and religious discrimination while they have been still considered as the stateless people and unwanted group on the Earth. Historically, Rohingyas were illegal immigrants who fled from the Bengali in Bangladesh. They have lived in Myanmar’s state of Rakhine for many decades, yet they have not been granted citizenship and recognized as legal ethnic groups in the country. When talking about the human rights abuses in Myanmar, people never forget the Muslim minority Rohingya who are residing in Northern of Rakhine state. Rohingya refugees have been severely repressed and discriminated by Myanmar's government and citizens especially after breaking out of the religious conflict in late 2011. Myanmar's government always considers Rohingyas as the illegal immigrants who fled from its neighboring country Bangladesh and many people called them Bengali. Historically, some of t...