Why Vietnamese government tries to strictly control media rights?

Historically, a fter decolonization of France from Vietnam in 1954, Vietnam was divided into two along 17 th parallel (North and South Vietnam) according to Geneva peace accord. The North Vietnam was ruled by communist leader, Ho Chi Minh , while the South was ruled by king Bao Dai. In 1955, G. Ngo Dinh Diem which was backed by the U.S. overthrew the King Bao Dai and came to power as a president of the Republic of Vietnam. The involvement of the U.S. in Vietnam led to the “Second Indochina War” which known as Vietnam War. Due to many factors such as the anti-war protests, long bloodiest war, and massive spending on military intervention, Nixon Administration sought the way to end the war and decided to withdraw its troops from Vietnam by negotiating with North Vietnam and signing Paris Peace Accord in 1973. In 1975, North Vietnam troops, which led by communist leader Ho Chi Minh, won over the South, and seized control Saigon. Finally, North and South were officially...