Can ICC Seek Justice for Gaza Victims?

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו has called upon 122 state parties to the founding document of International Criminal Court (Rome Statute) to suspend or cut their financial support in response to the war crime probe in Gaza. Mr prime minister claims the move of ICC to launch the war crime inquiry in Gaza is politically motivated, and he stresses that ICC is a part of problems not solutions. As the matter of fact is that I think it is not a political motivation, but it is the judicial obligation of the court to find the fact bringing all perpetrators to justice. The court has jurisdiction to hold any groups responsible for committing atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza. But I confidently accept that the court has been politicized and used by the super powers to protect their interests. Regarding the war crime probe in Gaza, although Israeli government is found guilty of committing crime against humanity, the court still has no ju...