Battle Against Climate Change: Time Is Running Out As Deadly Climate Threats Rise

For centuries, humanbeings have exploited the planet for the sake of development, and we have to accept that our planet is now taking its revenge against us. Of course, our next generation will face a terrifying future and not able to be safe anymore. A new study , led by former MIT research scientist Eun-Soon Im , revealed last August that South Asia, which is one of the poverty-hit regions and a home to 1.5 billion people, will become the hottest place on earth to live by 2100. And people will be endangered. It also forecasts that a mass migration will emerge and bloody conflicts, of course, are inevitable. The countries like India and China are known as the biggest carbon emitters or the biggest air polluters, and are deemed to be contributing to this humanitarian catastrophe . Asides from extreme weather, India is now facing another security thereat, which is running out of ground water, and this will heavily affect 600 million...