Will Democracy change your life ?

(Libya before and after civil war )

Many people believe that Democracy is the best political system which consists of three main elements such as rule of law, equality, and freedom. the people who are living in democratic countries enjoying living with their freedoms, civil and political rights including freedom of expression or speech, assembly,press, religions and their rights,and liberties are protected by Laws and constitutions. Actually, U.S is considered as the father of democracy which always tries to promote and spread the democracy to every country all over the world especially in the countries which have the longest serving leaders such as in Middle-East and Africa.

 As far as I know, to install the democratic government, U.S administration has to interfere deeply in domestic affairs of those states by secretly providing aid (financial or weapons) to opposition groups or forming the rebel groups in order to change the governments or oust the leaders from their power. As I have observed so far, U.S has involved deeply and successfully installed the democracy in many states in the Middle-East and East-Asia... by removing the dictatorial regimes, supporting the revolutionary movements or somehow intervening directly to the countries. However, I don't see those countries having full of peace, security or stability, and it's not what we called democracy. People have been still living with hunger, insecurity , suffering, fright, no liberties, rights or freedom at all. It shows that living under control of their former dictatorial regimes is better than newly democratic government.

Moreover, after installing the democracy their countries were almost destroyed and left many people died and injured. In order to make it clear, I would like to raise some countries which were intervened and the democratic governments were installed by the U.S administration.
- (Iraq ) since the invasion of the U.S and the death of Saddam Hussein, it has been a decade, but the problem is this country still remains unstable and insecure either politically or economically. Some Iraqi people said "Saddam has done a lot for Iraq, and he gave us education and security". 

-Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, the leaders of these four countries have been ousted from power resulting from the anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions . Some of the four countries have plunged into civil war, meanwhile other else have been facing with the political and economic instability. Besides facing with internal crisis, Yemen has been often attacked by U.S drone strikes and it has caused many innocent Yemenis died and wounded. 


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