Putin's dream " Eurasian Union"

Eurasian Economic Union is the Russian-led economic alliance consisting of four countries such as Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, and Armenia while Kyrgyzstan is scheduled to join this economic union in May 2015. Actually, the president of Russia Vladimir Putin has already claimed that the establishment of Eurasian union is his foreign policy priority when he served as Russia's prime minister in 2011, and he intends to bring back the Soviet Union in years to come by convincing other former states of Soviet Union to join his proposed alliance. Russia is now welcome and opens the door for all former Soviet states as well as Baltic and Balkan states to integrate into this customs union.

However, Russian led-customs union is seen weaker economically comparing to other unions, and there are many issues that this union has to address. Russia has to do much more in order to build up the strong union as the same as Soviet Union especially it needs to put more effort bringing more former Soviet states into its union.   

After Russian moved to establish the Eurasian customs union, the United States of America is seemingly afraid that Russia can manage to forge a new union which aims to replace the Soviet Union and increase Russia's power. If Russia successfully achieves its dream of establishing the Eurasian Union and there have more former soviet states accede to the union especially Ukraine, EU as well as America will surely face the difficulties challenging with the newly economic and political alliance.This is the reason that US and EU have tried so hard to do things to prevent Russia from achieving its goal by forming violence manifestation to topple the president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in March and destabilizing the country.

On the other hand, Russia also can't stay silent seeing Ukraine making accession to European Union after pro-Russian leader was ousted from power in February last year. It is clearly seen when Putin tries to interfere in Ukraine's domestic affairs. Evidently, Russia forcefully sent its troops to help holding the referendum in autonomous Republic of Crimea and annexed the region in March, particularly in the eastern part of the country. Besides seizing control of Crimea, Kremlin also tries to assist Russian speaking regions to break away from Ukraine by providing financial and military aids.

Recently, Ukrainian government has drafted a bill dropping the non aligned status, seeking for the accession to NATO. If the law was adopted by Ukraine's legislative assembly, Ukraine would be able to apply for membership of NATO and be banned from joining the Eurasian costumes union, Eurasian economic community or any other unions. However, it still remains doubtful whether Ukrainian application is fit the criteria for NATO membership.The move of Ukrainian government to draft a law seeking for the accession to NATO is seen as a provocative action and making the crisis even worse. However, it is believed that accessing to Eurasian Union or European Union or NATO is the choice of Ukrainian peoples. The Ukrainian crisis is believed no longer a civil war but a proxy war.  

However, the Ukraine crisis might not be easily addressed since the peace agreements (Minsk agreement) have not been fully implemented by both sides of the conflicts. Despite peace talks, there have been a continuing bloodshed caused by the intensified fight between rebels and government forces. More seriously, there is an attempt of the United States to arm Ukrainian military forces in support the fight against the Russian backed rebels in the Eastern part of the Country. Any decision by Obama administration to provide lethal aid to Ukraine will be a grave mistake, and the humanitarian catastrophe will become real in the war-torn Eastern Ukraine. To end this crisis, both Western countries and Russia have to take their hands out and stop interfering in Ukraine's domestic affairs, allowing its people decide their future


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