US Continues Seeking a Regime Change in Venezuela

Venezuela, oil-dependent country, is further facing the economic bankruptcy and political collapse due to the dramatic drop in crude oil prices in the international market and political unrest within the country. The Venezuela's political stalemate has broken out in early 2014 when protesters mostly students gathered on streets, calling the new democratically elected president to address some social issues including rise of crime rate, shortage of basic product within mark ets, and inflation. The mass demonstrations in Caracas led to the severe crackdown on protesters and rioters, leaving hundreds people dead and injured. Consequently, the United States condemned the bloodiest crackdowns and imposed sanction against Venezuela. It's believed that the U.S has masterminded the mass protests, which aimed to topple the socialist regime in Caracas. Currently, Venezuelan people start demanding their government to take action in response to the economic recession, howev...