Why Trump's Call for an End to Nation-Building Strategy is Right?

During a Foreign Policy address in Ohio on Monday, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump pledged to his supporters that he would end the so called “Nation Building” and “Regime Change” strategies, vowing to establish more partnership with other foreign allies and moderate Islamic countries in an effort to fight against extremist ideologies.

“[When] I become a President, the era of nation building will be brought to a very swift and decisive end, and new approach, which will be shared by both parties in United States, by our allies oversea and by our friends in the Middle-East, must be to halt [radical Islam],” said Donald Trump.
"Our current strategy of nation building and regime change is a proven, absolute failure"
Trump seems to be right at this time pointing out the failure of American foreign policy which focuses too much on nation building and regime change. Generally, the terrible mess in Middle East emerged when some western countries tried to install Western democracy by seeking to topple the strongmen there while ignoring the concept of tribalism and ethnic diversity rooted in the society for thousands years.
"Arab Spring" would be the best case that well explains the Western national building strategy, which failed to bring about stability and democracy, but chaos and violent conflicts.
Recently, Donald Trump also accused Obama and his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of creating Islamic States in Iraq and Syria, but shortly Trump, due to backlash, came out clarifying that what he meant was the foreign policy failure of Obama's administration which created power vacuum in Libya and Iraq, allowing ISIS to grow.
On the one hand, Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, whose policies are believed to be far more hawkish and hyper-interventionist than those of President Obama, if elected, will definitely maintain the long standing nation building and regime change strategies in order to help America foster democracy and liberty all over the world.


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