Trump’s Policy Puts Peace Process Between Israel-Palestine at Risk

“Unfair to all Israelis”
Recently, Israeli government also called upon the US
administration to vote against the resolution. In response, President-elect
Donald Trump, who also promised to recognize Israel's illegal annexation of
east Jerusalem, Obama administration to veto the resolution, adding that
"it puts Israel in a very poor negotiating position and unfair to all Israelis."
He also believes that peace will only be brought about as long
as both parties pursue direct negotiation, arguing that any imposition of
conditions by UN on the party will not help anything.
"As the United States has long maintained peace between the
Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations
between the parties and not through the imposition of terms by the United
Nations," Trump said in a statement posted on Facebook.
“Trump’s pledge to move Embassy to Jerusalem”
Early this week, Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer urged
US administration to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,
explaining that it will be a significant step toward achieving peace and stability
in the region. He denied that the move could fuel the tension and spark unrest
in the region.
During the campaign trial, President-elect Donald Trump several
times said that he would move the US embassy to Jerusalem and formally
recognize Jerusalem as an undivided city of Israel—the move that is unpredictable and treacherous. Israel “illegally”
occupied the east Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967, unifying the city
under Israeli sovereignty. But the US and most of
UN member states have never recognized the Israel's annexation of the territory
since its legal status is still questionable.
“Two-state solution
is over?”
It is clear that Trump's Middle Eastern policy is at odd with
that of his predecessor, Barack Obama, who has spent most of his time in office
pushing for the implementation of the two-state solution.
Most importantly, Trump's policy toward Israel-Palestine
conflict puts the stalled peace talks between Israel and PLO at stake, and the
two-state solution is soon to be over. Palestinians’ dream of establishing
their own independent state along with 1967 border is moving too far from
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