Will Syrian conflict be ended soon ?

 " Don't wait until the democracy comes to visit your country"

Syrian civil war has been started since 2011 between Government forces and Rebellion and till now it is almost 3 years. According to the opposition activist groups, at least 90000 people have been killed ,and more than 30000 people have been reported missing. Many residential areas and infrastructures have been demolished. Syrian citizens have been living in hunger, suffering and danger, and they wish this such situation could be ended peacefully. As I have followed and observed so far , I started believing that Syrian conflict is going to end soon, and the last moment of Mr. Assad would not be far different from Gaddafi for being a dictator president. There are several reason that have been pushing Syrian conflict to end :
First of all is U.S's intervention. Recently, US has already announced about the decision of Mr. Obama of providing political and military aids to Syrian rebels. Second is some countries in Arab league start cutting the diplomatic ties with Syria such as Egypt. Egyptian President has just announced about cutting ties with Syria, urged a UNSC resolution for imposing a no-fly zone on Syria as well as warned Lebanon's militant group Hezbollah to stop involving in Syrian Civil war. If there are many countries in Arab league start cutting ties consecutively with Syria and UNSC can reach its decision, it will be the hardest thing for Syrian government to against or continue fighting with Rebellions. Third, The Presidential election in Iran would change the relation between Iran and Syria. Syria and Iran are member of Arab league and both of them are strategic allies. Syria is often called Iran's "closest ally. For new Iranian president Mr. Hassan Rouhani has been just elected,and he is known as the reformist, clergy and former nuclear negotiator with Western powers. Most people believe that he is going to work very well with western countries especially with US,and Mr Rouhani will be the one who can alter Iran's policy on Syria.
Although Syrian government has super powers standing behind and UNSC can't not reach its resolution, there might not be an obstacle for other super powers such as U.S ,UK, and France to intervene in Syria since these countries have already intervened in the previous war in Iraq without UNSC resolution.


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