Indochina War and Geneva convention

  For responding to my friend request , today I am raising the topic Geneva conference in 1954.This text will be briefly talking about the history of geneva convention and Civil war in Indochina peninsular.
Why the Geneva conference was found  in 1954?
         This conference was established in order to finish the war in Indochina peninsular(Cambodia, Vietnam ,Lao) between France and Vietnam as well as to offer  those countries to gain independent.In fact Cambodia under the leading of His majesty King Norodom Shihanouk declared the independent since 1953 before having this conference. In this conference, representatives came from many countries such as USA ,France, Great Britain, Soviet Union,and China joined together for addressing the bloody battle in Vietnam which led by Communist leader .Ho Chi Minh to against the French troops. Before having this conference, US had been trying to send military aids to support the French troops in the Indochina war. However, the French were tiring of the long and inclusive war that was draining both the national treasury and public patience.Based on the history, French troops had defeated the Vietnamese socialist movement for several times ,and its military based in Dien Bien Phu was also captured by Vietnamese forces. By the way,America refused France's requests for more direct intervention in the war,as a result ,France started announcing the agendas of the Geneva agreement in 1954.
  According to this conference , it created a set of treaties known as the Geneva Accords, signed on behalf of France by Pierre Mendès-France and of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam by Pham Van Dong.These accords required French government to withdraw its troops from Vietnam and finish its  colonialism from the countries in Indochina. The withdrawal of French troops had turned US to involve and intervene in Vietnam, because US Administration could not stand to see the spreading  of Socialistic influence over the South-East Asia. As part of the agreement, the French agreed to withdraw their troops from northern Vietnam. Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17th parallel South Vietnam and North Vietnam. US started installing the anti-communist in South Vietnam ruled by Ngo Dinh Diem while North Vietnam was ruling by Ho Chi Minh. The US leader expected that if he can control the whole Vietnam, the two more countries Lao and Cambodia will  be under control of his power as well. This conference was seemingly led the countries in Indochina to be independent and be away from the bloody war. Unfortunately, it not only finished the first war (known as Indochina war) but also created the second war in Vietnam as well as  a civil war in Cambodia .
    On the other hand ,it has many reasons that led Cambodia to have a civil war besides to what I mentioned above such as Bandung Conference in Indonesia, the trustworthiness of Cambodian leaders on Communist movements..... The core principles of the Bandung Conference were political self-determination, mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, and equality that was known as  neutral countries .This conference offered a big chance to the Chinese leaders to persuade Cambodian leaders  to follow and support socialist movements even it was a neutral platform. Moreover Cambodian leaders believed that China was controlling Vietnam ,but in fact it was Soviet Union. At that time  both countries China and USSR were playing important role to supply military and economic aids to North Vietnam ,because they had only one enemy (USA).


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