Is Israel going to be the first country that Syria attacks if the Western intervention starts

The relation between Western countries and middle-east Islamic state Syria  is becoming more and more tentative and fragile after Syria has been accused of using chemical weapons to fight against his own civilians. According to the western countries officials, they have been well-prepared and already deployed their troops including air, ground as well as naval forces to closer Syria. They added they have already had their air and Naval bases in Turkey,Cyprus, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab emirates as well as Saudi Arabia. Actually, Israeli leaders have urged the foreign community to take action against Syrian Regime while Russia and Iran have been trying to protect Assad's regime and deny any accusations which raised by opposition groups and Western countries .Today, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem  has said he rejects "utterly and completely" that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons. This speech was made after U.S secretary of state John Kerry said  the used of chemical weapons in attacks on Civilians in Syria last week was not undeniable and U.S Administration would hold the Syrian government to account for moral obscenity.
Anyways, if U.S and it allies attack Syria, the first country that Syrian troops are going to attack first is its bordering country Israel. According to Lebanese website,500 Syrian Scud missiles have been deployed directly  toward Israel, and those ballistic missiles were imported from Russia. However, Israel is not a new enemy of Syria but it has been an old one. The  relation between these two states has not been created since the establishing of Israeli state in 1948, and since then they have fought each others in three major wars such as war for independence in 1948, Six days war 1967, and  Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War in 1973. But moreover during Lebanese war in 1982 , Israel invaded Southern Lebanon to expel Palestinian liberation Organisation from Lebanon while Syria was sending its ground and air forces to assist Lebanese National Resistance Font and Palestinian Liberation Organisation.


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