Will air war in Kosovo be reused in Syrian war?

Everyone has already known about the Air war (refers to NATO air strikes in Kosovar war) in Kosovo in 1999 after thousands of Kosovar civilians were killed by Serbian President Slobodan Milošević. Actually, he was charged with war crimes including genocide, and crimes against humanity in connection to the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo by the International Criminal Tribunal. In respond to that situation, U.S President Bill Clinton approved of NATO intervention without a mandate from the United Nations. NATO troops began bombing for 11 weeks, and Milosevic was forced to withdraw his troops and police.
Anyways, Mr. Assad might not care about that because his government is back by Russia and Russia always use his veto right to disrupt the resolution of UNSC for using military intervention in Syria. Unlike Kosovo, Syria has such powerful weapons which have been imported from China and Russia especially Anti-aircraft missiles such as S-300, SA-6 and SA-8 . However,the air war of NATO in Kosovo is a good lesson for Syrian Government and President Bashar al-Assad. Without UN resolution, U.S, UK, France and other NATO members are able to take action against Syria due to the rationale of protecting a vulnerable population. According to the speech of U.S Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, he has already suggested to the Pentagon for moving force to the place closer to Syria.However, U.S has limited time to respond, and it needs to wait for the investigation of UN fact-finding group to determine whether the chemical weapons have been used or not. For Britain, foreign Secretary William Hague said that "The British government believes the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for an alleged chemical weapons attack this week ".
Moreover, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said " France wants a reaction of "force" if a chemical weapons massacre in Syria is confirmed but ruled out sending ground troops".
It seems that U.S ,France,Israel and Britain are well-prepared for taking any possible action to against Syrian government, and the military intervention will be used urgently if the investigators find that Syrian government has used Chemical weapons to kill its civilians.


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