
Showing posts from April, 2013

Where is the legal effect of the Chemical weapons convention in our global?

The Chemical Weapons Convention has been known as the Convention on prohibition production, development, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their destruction. This convention was drafted in 1992 and signed in 1993 by 165 signatories. In 1997 it came into effect, and it has had 188 parties since 2012. However there are six countries that neither acceded nor signed this convention such as A ngola, Egypt, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan , Syrian ,and two states Burma , Israel that have not yet ratified this Convention . So there must be a problem for those that have not yet acceded this convention, and their civilians must be the victims of the use of Chemical weapons. This convention has no legal effect at all to impose sanctions on those non-parties states, thus the military intervention is the best way to against to the use of chemical weapons. By the way being a non-party of CWC, Syria has been accused of producing and using so far from its neighboring countries Israe...

Why John Kerry and Chuck Hagel have a state visit to the Middle-East?

U.S Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel seem to be very busy with their state visits for strengthening and boosting cooperation with the countries in the Middle-East recently. In this previous week, after having a threatening from North Korea for attacking against South Korea and US as well as preparing to launch its Musudan ballistic missile,  Mr. John Kerry made his first trip to China and Japan. Actually, the goals of his trip to China were to motivate the Chinese leaders to defuse the N.Korea tension and to talk about denuclearization in Korean peninsular.   Today U.S Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel arrived in Israel for his state visit and brought with many concern topics for talking with the leader of Israel such as Iran’s nuclear program, the Syrian civil war, and the U.S-Israel arms deals. According to the U.S department of Defense, Mr. Hagel will spend his one week long for regional tour in Middle-East includes Jordan, Egypt,  Sau...

Why there was a war between Kosovo and Serbia ?

The conflict between  Kosovo and Serbia was known as Kosovo war and started in 1998. Kosovo was an autonomous province and located in in southern Serbia and has a mixed population of which the majority are ethnic Albanians. Actually Kosovo is the disputed borderland between Serbia and Albania as the same as Kashmir conflict borderland between India  and Pakistan. These two countries Kosovo and Serbia were former states of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which was unified by Mr Josip Broz Tito in 1943 . In 1991 after dissolution of Soviet Union, the Yugoslav war was started and most of its states declared its independence. However Kosovo was still an autonomous province of Serbia .Until 1998 the conflict is started between Serbian military  and Kosovar Albanian police forces resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 Kosovar-Albanians and forced 400,000 people from their homes. To respond to this conflict which caused many innocent people die and a thousands of refugee...

Is US preparing for the future war in the Middle-East ?

The previous post talked about the expectation of the world war III . Today I also raise the same topic, and it clearly show that US is preparing for war in the future in the Middle-ea st. Recently, the diplomatic relation between US and some countries in the middle-east such as Syria and Iran have been recognized as the fragile relationship. Since Iran refused to negotiate and announced publicly that no super powers or International community could force him to abandon his goal of producing Nuclear weapons, the US and its alliances seem to be preparing themselves for responding to any attacks. Based on the US Defense Department, the arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are expected to be up to $10 billion and it will provide missiles, warplanes and troop transports to help those countries for countering any future threat from Iran. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has spent a week long to visit the region of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate...

Why most people hate US ?

                                                            Why do many people hate US??? and what are the crises that US facing with ??? From day to day the situation in the US is going to be worse and worse. Being the father state of democracy , US always try to play an important role to lead the whole world although it has to break the international law, commit the crime against the humanity, use the invasion strategy as well as intrude the human and c hildren 's right. By the way, these actions have been proclaimed by the US administration as the humanitarian acts or the acts for protecting the world( for example Vietnam,Iraq,Libya war.... .) Actually these actions have been helping decrease the popularity of this country rather than increase ,and most people gradually start loathing it . Clearly, The US offers too much of right a...

Is Iran going to be a Nuclear country ?

Does Iran has Nuclear weapons  ???? Some people might be getting confused that Iranian government has Nuclear weapons. In fact, Iranian nuclear program is being sought and not yet achieve. Actually Iranian government has launched Yellowcake processing complex .It is known as a kind of uranium concentrate powder obtained from leach solutions, in an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores. Moreover it is also used for producing uranium fuel for Nuclear reactors. It seems that Iran nearly achieve its goal of producing Nuclear weapons,but Iranian government refused that it is just for civilian purposes only.Is it reliable ????  The allied country of Iran,Syria has been known as the country that also seeking for the nuclear weapons. Many people assume that those countries have not enough  abilities to achieve theirs goal for producing nuclear weapons without any helps of their Boss(Russia and China), However Some countries in Africa and Eastern Europe for instan...

Indochina War and Geneva convention

  For responding to my friend request , today I am raising the topic Geneva conference in 1954.This text will be briefly talking about the history of geneva convention and Civil war in Indochina peninsular. Why the Geneva conference was found  in 1954?          This conference was established in order to finish the war in Indochina peninsular(Cambodia, Vietnam ,Lao) between France and Vietnam as well as to offer  those countries to gain independent.In fact Cambodia under the leading of His majesty King Norodom Shihanouk declared the independent since 1953 before having this conference. In this conference, representatives came from many countries such as USA ,France, Great Britain, Soviet Union,and China joined together for addressing the bloody battle in Vietnam which led by Communist leader .Ho Chi Minh to against the French troops. Before having this conference, US had been trying to send military aids to support the French troops in the In...

Post Cold War

    Since the end of the Cold war ,it was about 2 decades that our world has been being with stability of economy ,Politics as well as security. Although the Cold War was ended ,but the new crises were existed such as terrorism, the movement of states dividing, Persian Gulf War,political conflicts ,and independence movements. Without Soviet Union, US became the first rank of Super power countries to  lead the world. The War of Ideology had left many particular legacies for many countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam ,Korea Peninsular,Germany,Cuba, as well as other countries in Middle-East, South,Africa,and almost everywhere around the world.According the world history, Many countries were influenced by West and East ideologies,consequently the world was divided into 2 blocs.According to the world History, Germany was divided into West and East Germany ,Vietnam( South Vietnam and North Vietnam) ,Korea (North and South Korea)..... South and North Vietnam were merged in 1975,...

Marshall Plan and European Countries

    Does anyone know what is Marshall Plan?  In 1945 the WWII was completely end after defeating of Germany , Japan ,and Italy. After nearly six years of this bloody war, many countries in Europe were heavily destroyed and the economies of the se countries were weakened to equal to zero.The destruction of cities,towns ,and building created a thousands of refugees, widows,orphans,disable persons, and displaced persons.In order to recover and to stable the European economy , the winner of the WWII the US started to legislate one law of foreign assistance that was popularly known as Marshall Plan in 1948. There were about 12 billions of dollar of assistance that was sent to help boosting the economic recovery of European Countries. This program was initiated by US Secretary of State George C. Marshal and signed by U.S. President Harry S. Truman in 1948.This aid were offered to almost every countries in Europe including those that under the Soviet Union military occupation...


What do you know about NATO? NATO has been known as The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation that was established today in 1949 by the United States and 11 other nations. This organisation was established to defend any possible Soviet aggres sion against Western Europe.Besides to the prevention of Soviet invasion, this organisation was also created to prevent the spreading of Socialism to the countries in Europe. In 1954 for extending its power to against Soviet influences , US and its alliances France and Great Britain led the counties in Asia to established the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). Unfortunately, SEATO was formally disbanded in 1977,because this organisation failed to provide its members an assistant to against the Indian in Pakistani-Indian conflict.To respond to the US strategies, Soviet and East European socialist states started establishing the Political and Military alliance in 1955(was known as Warsaw Pact). Until now there is only NATO that can stand ...

Unitary State and Federal State

 Why choosing Unitary state rather than federal states?  According to the world history, the federal states means a political entity that characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a federal government. Anyway we also define it is a group of states that stay together under governing of federal government. Long time ago, many countries became federal, some of them had willingness for merging together in order to protect their states from an y invasions. Some federal states were formed after getting colonized or losing the war. For instant, in 1922 Soviet Union was found to be a federation after seizing control of the Russia empire by Bolshevik. On the other hand, Unitary state is such a state that governed as one single unit in which the central government located. Since having many movements for independent, many federations were dissolved and they the member state became unitary. As I have seen so far, the Unitary state is more popular...