Marshall Plan and European Countries

    Does anyone know what is Marshall Plan? 
In 1945 the WWII was completely end after defeating of Germany , Japan ,and Italy. After nearly six years of this bloody war, many countries in Europe were heavily destroyed and the economies of these countries were weakened to equal to zero.The destruction of cities,towns ,and building created a thousands of refugees, widows,orphans,disable persons, and displaced persons.In order to recover and to stable the European economy , the winner of the WWII the US started to legislate one law of foreign assistance that was popularly known as Marshall Plan in 1948. There were about 12 billions of dollar of assistance that was sent to help boosting the economic recovery of European Countries. This program was initiated by US Secretary of State George C. Marshal and signed by U.S. President Harry S. Truman in 1948.This aid were offered to almost every countries in Europe including those that under the Soviet Union military occupation such as Poland and Czechoslovakia. This foreign aid assistance not only helped curing the European Countries economies but also restored industrial- agricultural production, established financial stability,expanded trade contributed greatly to the rapid renewal of the western European chemical, engineering, and steel industries. After seeing the great achievement of this kind of program, Mr President Harry S. Truman extended the Marshall Plan to less-developed countries throughout the world under the Point Four Program, initiated in 1949.
This is a good point of United States of America that has a strong determination to let the European and many Third word countries to survive.


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